2021 is a year of the Metal Ox, the Chinese Lunar New Year starts on February 12th, 2021 until January 30th, 2022.

The previous zodiac years of Ox sign are: 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

The Buffalo or Ox is an animal focused on work, order and discipline, virtues that we need to cultivate if we want to have a peaceful and lucky year. This year the focus will be on the importance of environmental issues and sustainable development.

For 2021 success will come to those who are disciplined, work hard, and as a result it will boost material security. It is a symbol of spring and improves family connections and favours romantic relationships.

Your health will improve as you recharge your batteries, when you spend more time in nature and begin to restore your wellbeing. The metal element rules the lungs and large intestine, and it is to support your immune and digestive system against any viruses with herbs, nutrients, and vegetables.

Last year was the Year of the Rat, it was a yang water element, and its energy was fast, hard, and active. While 2020 may seem like it was an epic disaster, the year of the Rat did present us with a new opportunity: to change the world for the better. This year the ox’s earthly energy is associated with yin, which is feminine, slow, soft and passive, and represents stability and nourishment.

This is the start of a prosperous period with opportunities flowing in when you remain calm and your consistent hard work generates good harvests and luck. Anything that was started last year can now be invigorated and has a good chance of succeeding this year. Sharpen your awareness so that you can perceive the opportunities as they arise.

Slow and steady marks the ox’s character, honest, grounded, determined and highly dependable. They have the ability to motivate and inspire confidence in others. Those born under the sign are meticulous, systematic and focus on details. Simplicity and straightforwardness govern their personality. However, the ox has a temper and it’s wise to get out of its way when it rears it horns. Oxes are weakest in their communication skills, and are stubborn and stick to their own ways. Having great patience and a desire to make progress, Oxes can achieve their goals by consistent effort. They persist in doing things according to their ideals and capabilities.

Before taking any action, Oxes will have a definite plan with detailed steps, to which they apply their strong faith and physical strength. As a result, people of the Ox zodiac sign often enjoy great success.

A Sneak Peek Of What Year 2021 Will Be Like For You

Rat: Your ideals and personal connections will be important and your optimism will be at its peak. You’ll receive validation for your efforts. There is an option to relocate, and open up to love.

Tiger: There is an opportunity to heal family relationship, and take time to relax in nature. As you put in efforts your karma will balance in your favour with new income sources coming your way.

Rabbit: You are learning to become financial independent, protecting your wealth, and focus on property. Reduce stress with meditation and improve your health and wellbeing.

Dragon: Focus on balance and not working too hard to avoid exhaustion, don’t let things gets out of control which may affect your health. There is an increase in profits, as long you take advantage of important opportunities.

Snake: With a small amount of effort and focus your wishes will come true at the right moment, exactly when you will need it the most. You will inspire those around you, especially when you apply yourself and take action.

Horse: Dreams, aspirations will be fulfilled, and you’ll receive support from valued connections, as you put your ideas into practice. Your optimism and confidence will be high, as you’re rewarded for your honest & ethical work.

Goat/Sheep: You’ll have many new ideas related to quick gains and organizing your own business, goals that will be successfully achieved. Meeting new people will open doors.

Monkey: You will succeed in finding balance, which will be in your favour. Pre-existing health conditions will resolve quickly. Focus on creativity rather than your love life.

Rooster: This will be an excellent year for you to achieve your goals in both your professional and personal life. With luck on your side, no one will be able to stop you from turning your dreams into reality.

Dog: Choose your words carefully this year, proceed with caution with any disputes. When you focus on bettering yourself, and your wellbeing and health, you won’t regret it.

Pig: This is a stable year, it’s a great time to establish your long-term plans for the future. You may undertake some investment risks, but the rewards can be significant, and don’t buy luxuries beyond your means.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

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