This month there are 2 powerful eclipses

1st Feb Lunar eclipse full moon Leo 12.26am

16th Feb New moon Partial solar eclipse Aquarius 8.05 am

1st Feb Lunar eclipse full moon  Leo 12.26am

Moon LEO
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Leo (Fire) – Leader, affectionate, generous, outgoing, stubborn, authoritative, honourable

The Leo moon is a time to review the relationship with yourself and your role here on Earth – are you living with passion and free to create to your hearts desires?

Leo brings a sense of fun and enthusiasm for life – a great time for a party! The Moon in Leo highlights the need to balance self-interest with concern for the community. Leo will help you learn more about how to share your gifts with the world.

This moon will help you see more clearly how to shine your personal light in big ways. Whether your vision is to make a big impact in one small area or to reach many people, the importance of what you are here to do is more fully uncovered.

During this Moon explore and examine your own self-expression.

How authentic is it?

What creative new approaches do you offer?

How does your higher mind reveal brilliant new ideas and possibilities through letting your heart shine in dramatic and joyful self-expression?

Let yourself be big. If it bothers anyone, it is probably because they are not comfortable with allowing their own light to shine.

Anything is possible, be daring, it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Self-belief will blossom with this full moon, as it can help you appreciate your talents.

Your heart yearns for connection, for the ability to live out loud and express your creative self… and most of all… to have others receive what you have to offer.

But you attract what you put out there. So pay close attention during this Moon, to what you are expressing and how you are giving.
Are you coming from a place of fear? resentment? lack of confidence? expecting someone else to meet your needs that you don’t know how to meet for yourself? Time to clear out that old sabotage.

The next 2 weeks is about ‘GETTING REAL’ and putting serious steps in place to make things happen.

A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is full and the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays from partially/fully reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is cast within the Earth’s shadow.

A Lunar Eclipse provides a quantum opportunity to release deep-seated wounds, move beyond old fears and to transcend negative patterns or traits within the shadow self.  It is time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back.

During a Lunar Eclipse it is an opportune time to do much inner-work and illuminate yourself from the inside-out.

You will be inspired during the Eclipse/Full Moon to open your gifts to higher degrees of frequency and anchor these on the Earthly plane.  It is time to take ownership and acknowledge your divine magnificence and shine brightly from within.  Honouring of spiritual unity in humanity.

16th February New moon Partial solar eclipse Aquarius 8.05 am

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Aquarius (Air) – Humanitarian, determined, individualistic, rebellious, independent, inventive

This moon will bring great energy to move from your ‘wound’, and ‘life is so hard’ and take a look at the bigger picture of creation.

You have the power to use your thoughts, words, energy, actions to creating enduring and peaceful change on this planet… this is time to take ownership and responsibility of your life.

Aquarius offers energy in innovation, the bigger picture of humanity and the expression of ‘how may I serve’.  This Moon brings the sacred gift, to be inspired to see beyond your perceived limitations, embrace a higher vision through Soul Purpose, and finding new ways to how we can lead authentic lives.

The Moon in Aquarius is a powerful opportunity to open to new solutions and insights about what to do next. Aquarian energy arrives like a lightning bolt – bringing brilliant new ideas. When you work with the opportunities and affirm that you are ready for a new influx of inspiration and clarity, the energy of this Moon can help reveal the path before you.

Aquarius is also about authenticity and being your unique self. So, let yourself think outside the box, open to new possibilities, and let go of what may or may not have worked in the past so you can open the space for new directions that will become clearer as time goes on.

Aquarius energy helps us vision. It helps us break free of the constraints of the past and imagine what may be possible for the future. It is your chance to expand your perspective and dream big when connecting with you want.

If you could have anything, what would it be?

If you had that, what would you want next? And if you had that, what would you want at that point?

By thinking and dreaming in big ways, you actually bring yourself beyond the limitations that have previously held you back from asking for more. Don’t be afraid to imagine experiencing life in ways you have never experienced.

Pay attention to what comes to you through your dreams, and let yourself “space out” or daydream, because you never know what may become possible when you get beyond ordinary ways of thinking.

The energy of a Solar Eclipse is a time to reflect on the present and truthfully see how this relates to our past.

The insights gained are not about dragging up old energy, or reliving painful events or experiences, but rather to positively reassess where you have been and use this knowledge to make quantum leaps on your path moving forward.

This Solar Eclipse provides an opportunity to reassess or re-evaluate your life, to leap into a new sphere of existence beyond your perceived limitations.