2nd March Virgo Full Moon 11.51 am
18th March New Moon Pisces 12.11am
31st March Full Moon Libra 11.36pm

Mercury Retrograde 22 March – 15 April in Aries (Fire sign)
Autumn Equinox March 21st

2nd March Virgo Full Moon 11.51 am

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Virgo (Earth) – Organised, practical, diligent, cautious, sensible, exacting, skillful

The Virgo Full moon is a great time to get out and roll up the sleeves and get down to business.  It is time to move forward with your dreams, and the Virgo energy will give you the practical means to do this.

What is your vision for the future?

Sometimes our ego wants the dream to happen a certain way, but this Virgo Moon is one of allowing the dream to be made manifest in perfect divine order and timing for the highest good of all.

Let go of how YOU think it should be done and follow the whisperings of spirit.

Details matter and dealing with a small issue can lead to big changes.

With the practical and systematic sign of Virgo, you will appreciative structure, organisation and detail. You will find your life works better with well-established systems in your personal and professional life. Virgo is an Earth sign, helping to ground- anchor your relationships.

Virgo teaches us to be humble in the face of what you have to learn so you can create a true masterpiece.

Image building a cathedral brick by brick or weaving a tapestry one thread at a time. Sometimes thousands of tedious steps involving seemingly insignificant (yet essential) small components are necessary in order for the bigger whole to emerge in its full beauty.

Think of your intentions as the bricks. Each time you return to and state your positive intentions, you add one more brick to the monument you are building.

This Virgo Moon will help you see the individual steps you need to take more clearly. It helps break down the intangible realm of dreams and imagination into individual steps you can take that will help the dream crystallize.

18th March New Moon Pisces 12.11am

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Pisces (Water) – Sensitive, psychic, dreamy, creative, charitable, impressionable, compassionate

During the New Pisces moon, whilst you are trying to ‘see’ the answers, with a heightened sensitivity, the moon is asking you to ‘let go of control’ and just allow the dream to unfold in its own good time.

All the answers lie within, just don’t push up hill for all to be made manifest immediately.  There is a divine plan, allow things to blossom in divine timing. It’s about dreaming the dream for a new world.

Let go of past limitations and allow your dreams to be on a grand scale.  There is no place for ‘playing small’… move beyond ordinary levels of consciousness and think outside the box.

Trusting your intuition, or messages received through dreams or meditation, can be the key to unlocking success.
Choose to focus on what YOU can do to make a difference in your own life and that of others.  This is a time to really ‘BE THE CHANGE’ you wish to see in the world.

The bottom line during this New moon is: Be humble and take in what is available for you to learn and integrate, because very soon some big shifts will be coming.

Great Things may take time to achieve, but when you start the marathon with the right training and preparation, a good pace, strong visions, and powerful intentions, what you can accomplish may surprise you.

31st March Full Moon Libra 11.36pm

Moon in LIBRA
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Libra (Air) – Romantic, indecisive, harmony, social, helpful, co-operative, relationship -centred

The Libra moon is the perfect time to come together in community, united, bring peace and harmony to our planet.

Set your Intention with this moon. It’s all about relationships, the relationship you have with yourself, your goals and your relationship with others.  This is a time to open up the romantic in you… and treat you self to heaps of pampering… think massage, warm bath, oils and music.

This moon is all about relationships, the relationship you have with yourself, and your relationship with others.  This is a time to open up the romantic in you… and treat you self to heaps of pampering… think massage, warm bath, salt scrub…  but also treat a loved one…. better still, treat each other!

This Libra moon highlights that underneath the physical facade, we are all the same… and united in our commonality we can change the world for the better.

So let’s all join together from a heart space, and have gratitude for the amazing array of life on this planet, living in balance and harmony, and honor the unity of all creation.

Pay attention to how you are showing up in your important relationships. What are your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs?

What assumptions are you making?

Reflecting and journaling about this can help you gain insights that can generate shifts in your relationships.

But there is one key question you can ask yourself that will create transformation and healing in your relationships.

This question is magic. It is the source of new possibilities. Are you ready for it?

The Key Question: Are you open to change?

Because chances are if your relationships feel stuck, it is not because the other person won’t change (because of course you don’t have any control over that), it’s because your own thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are falling into patterns from the past.

If you find you are re-creating the patterns of the past, a simple shift toward openness, curiosity, and seeing things from a new perspective can bring surprises that open up the flow of love, communication, compassion, and mutual alignment.

Mercury Retrograde 22 March – 15 April in Aries (Fire sign)

Mercury retrograde: This period is asking us to retrace our thoughts and feelings, and to prioritize what is really important to us. We need to be prepared and mentally alert for whatever comes our way, in order to avoid the pitfalls.

Knowing that delays and unexpected outcomes are possible, adopt a calm attitude. As we meet each negative with a positive action, we will begin to create a positive force.

It favours anything that begins with the prefix ―re, re-negotiate, re-vamp, re-new, re-vise, re-issue, re-finance. The word retrograde means ―to go back and retrace one‘s steps. This period favours finishing up work or returning to review and complete a project, not starting something new. It can provide new insights into the material.

This is not time to make any major commitments or sign any contracts/papers because you will change your mind.

Pay attention to the details, to minimise delays and misunderstandings. General repairs are not favoured. Never purchase anything associated with transportation or communication – car, bicycle, tape recorder, TV or even shoes. Such purchases will not last long or they will be plagued with malfunctions. The biggest annoyance is the frustration and time involved.

It is a fabulous time to go over conversations that may have happened in the past, where you need some closure or a re-negotiation of some deal or agreement.

Remember to also attend to the inner intuitive communication. It’s a great time for journaling and taking time to reflect on recent developments and what is important to you.

During its retrograde cycle three times a year, Mercury says, “let’s look at this part of your life more closely.” What part of it are you still resisting?
Why are you here? – Where are you going?   – Who and What means the most to you?

As the Sun enters Aries on the 21 March we have the Autumn Equinox (Southern Hemisphere) and Spring Equinox (Northern Hemisphere).

The Equinox is where day and night are of equal length – the energies coming together as one – Heaven & Earth, Spirit & Matter.  Whilst the northern hemisphere is preparing for their re-birth as they awaken from the sleep of winter, the southern hemisphere is bringing her energy inward, in preparation for the rest ahead.  It is our polarities that make up the whole.

The Equinox is a powerful portal gateway to ascension into higher levels of consciousness.  At this time of unity, the feminine & masculine merge as one, opening opportunities to unify duality within ourselves, and expand our awareness to greater dimensional/light octave levels.


This is when we head into autumn, preparing for the long period of darkness that winter brings, when nights get longer than the days, due to the diminishing sun.

Autumn also is a time of harvest (after summer fruits) where we are guided to be grateful for the seeds that have already sewn.

This is about us facing our own darkness, as we head towards the death (endings, blankness, spirituality) represented by winter. This is the perfectly manifested time to take a look at our own inner darkness hiding within us, the shadows. It is a symbolic period of journeying.

It is a time of inner reflection and preparation (before the colder months arrive). It’s about inner work, going within and taking stock and inventory of our lives. Honour your journey so far as you reflect, rebalance and recalibrate.