What if you could choose the right moments and avoid the least productive times to save you time, effort and resources? These astrology and moon dates will assist with when to move forward and to conserve energy.

New moon 12th February in Aquarius 6.05 am
Full moon 27th February in Virgo 7.17 pm
Mercury Retrograde: January 30 – February 21, in Aquarius

New moon 12th Aquarius 6.05 am

The energy from the New Moon up to the Full Moon (waxing) is gradually building in strength and intensity. The New Moon is a great time to set your intentions, write down goals or begin new projects. It’s perfect for new beginnings, sowing seeds, and launch new projects. Consider sitting in ceremony or meditation and writing down your intentions & inner-most heartfelt manifestation desires for the new lunar cycle.

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Aquarius (Air) – Humanitarian, determined, individualistic, rebellious, independent, inventive

This NEW moon will bring great energy to move from your ‘wound’, and ‘life is so hard’ and take a look at the bigger picture of creation.
You have the power to use your thoughts, words, energy, actions to creating enduring and peaceful change on this planet… this is time to take ownership and responsibility of your life.

Aquarius offers energy in innovation, the bigger picture of humanity and the expression of ‘how may I serve’. This New Moon brings the sacred gift, to be inspired to see beyond your perceived limitations, embrace a higher vision through Soul Purpose, and finding new ways to how we can lead authentic lives.

The New Moon in Aquarius is a powerful opportunity to open to new solutions and insights about what to do next. Aquarian energy arrives like a lightning bolt – bringing brilliant new ideas. When you work with the opportunities, and affirm that you are ready for a new influx of inspiration and clarity, the energy of this New Moon can help reveal the path before you.

Aquarius is also about authenticity and being your unique self. So, let yourself think outside the box, open to new possibilities, and let go of what may or may not have worked in the past so you can open the space for new directions that will become clearer as time goes on.

Aquarius energy helps us vision. It helps us break free of the constraints of the past and imagine what may be possible for the future. It is your chance to expand your perspective and dream big when connecting with you want. If you could have anything, what would it be? If you had that, what would you want next? And if you had that, what would you want at that point?

By thinking and dreaming in big ways, you actually bring yourself beyond the limitations that have previously held you back from asking for more. Don’t be afraid to imagine experiencing life in ways you have never experienced.

Pay attention to what comes to you through your dreams, and let yourself “space out” or daydream, because you never know what may become possible when you get beyond ordinary ways of thinking.

When Aquarius is in its shadow, notice how you may swing into being rebellious, emotionally distant and detached, wanting to be alone and push others away.

Full moon 27th Virgo 7.17 pm
From Full Moon to the New Moon (waning) the energy is gradually decreasing in size, strength and intensity, and is a time to release and let go of any areas in your life that no longer serve your higher purpose. Don’t start anything new on a full moon, finish off projects, and tidy up.

During the Waning phase, the energy is slowing moving inward, a time for inner-reflection, review and contemplation. During this phase, from a place of non-judgement and as the ‘observer’ reflect on: relationships, work, creativity, abundance, health, and well-being. Discern which areas of your life are in harmonic balance and flow and which areas feel stifled, strained or in a state of struggle.

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Virgo (Earth) – Organised, practical, diligent, cautious, sensible, exacting, skillful

The Virgo full moon is a great time to get out and roll up the sleeves and get down to business. It is time to move forward with your dreams, and the Virgo energy will give you the practical means to do this.

What is your vision for the future? Sometimes our ego wants the dream to happen a certain way, but this Virgo full Moon is one of allowing the dream to be made manifest in perfect divine order and timing for the highest good of all.

Let go of how YOU think it should be done and follow the whisperings of spirit. Details matter and dealing with a small issue can lead to big changes.

With the practical and systematic sign of Virgo, you will appreciative structure, organisation and detail. You will find your life works better with well-established systems in your personal and professional life. Virgo is an Earth sign, helping to ground- anchor your relationship.

Virgo teaches you to be humble in the face of what you have to learn so you can create a true masterpiece. Image building a cathedral brick by brick or weaving a tapestry one thread at a time. Sometimes thousands of tedious steps involving seemingly insignificant (yet essential) small components are necessary in order for the bigger whole to emerge in its full beauty.

Think of your intentions as the bricks. Each time you return to and state your positive intentions, you add one more brick to the monument you are building.

This Virgo Full Moon will help you see the individual steps you need to take more clearly. It helps break down the intangible realm of dreams and imagination into individual steps you can take that will help the dream crystallize.

Mercury Retrograde January 30 – February 21, Aquarius

This retrograde will bring through the Aquarian qualities, and receiving intuitive downloads with new ideas, how to change yourself or the world for the better through new networks, and communities. Noticing how your inner rebel and free spirit can finds new creative ways of doing things through unusual hobbies and unique fashion sense. But also become aware where you can fall into negative traits of being to impulsive, unpredictable, inconsistent and stubborn.

Mercury retrograde:
Mercury rules all communications such as computers, phones, travel, electronics and all business/personal communications & documentations. This period is asking us to retrace our thoughts and feelings, and to prioritize what is really important to us. We need to be prepared and mentally alert for whatever comes our way, in order to avoid the pitfalls. Knowing that delays and unexpected outcomes are possible, adopt a calm attitude. As we meet each negative with a positive action, we will begin to create a positive force.

Communication and transportation begin to be affected a couple of days before a retrograde begins. It is more intense at the start and end of the retrograde cycle.

It favours anything that begins with the prefix ―re, re-negotiate, re-vamp, re-new, re-vise, re-issue, re-finance. The word retrograde means ―to go back and retrace one‘s steps. This period favours finishing up work or returning to review and complete a project, not starting something new. It can provide new insights into the material.

This is not time to make any major commitments or sign any contracts/papers because you will change your mind.

Pay attention to the details, to minimise delays and misunderstandings. General repairs are not favoured. Never purchase anything associated with transportation or communication – car, bicycle, tape recorder, TV or even shoes. Such purchases will not last long or they will be plagued with malfunctions. The biggest annoyance is the frustration and time involved.

It is a fabulous time to go over conversations that may have happened in the past, where you need some closure or a re-negotiation of some deal or agreement.

Remember to also attend to the inner intuitive communication. It’s a great time for journaling and taking time to reflect on recent developments and what is important to you.

During its retrograde cycle three times a year, Mercury says, “let’s look at this part of your life more closely.” What part of it are you still resisting?
Why are you here? – Where are you going? – Who and What means the most to you?

During this Mercury transit we will be experiencing and focusing on certain shadows elements, so that we can release how they have sabotaged our lives.

The shadow Aquarius qualities – swinging between being rebellious, to emotionally distant and detached, wanting to be alone and push others away.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

Use the techniques to break through the 5 major barriers, which are keeping you locked in doubt, mistrusting your decisions and leaking energy and money flow. Open the doors to new levels of success, boost aligned support, and magnetize your goals.
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2. Join my FB tribe > Cosmic Catalysts & Creatives

Connect with heart-centred therapists, facilitators, and healers, who are growing to new heights of success, doing what they love, while making a difference in the world.
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3.  Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others

If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance

… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.

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4. Work with me privately

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