What if you could choose the right moments and avoid the least productive times to save you time, effort and resources? These astrology and moon dates will assist with when to move forward and when to conserve energy.


Full moon 1st November Taurus 1.49am

New moon 15th November Scorpio 4.07pm

Full moon Partial lunar eclipse 30th November Gemini 8.29 pm (Blue moon, 2nd FM in month)


Mercury retrograde 14th October Libra – 3rd November Scorpio

Mars – 9 September Aries – 14 November (Re-evaluate)

Neptune – 23rd June Pisces – 29th November Pisces (Intuition)

Chiron retrograde 11 July Aries- 15th December (Healing)

Uranus – 15 August – 1 January 2021 Taurus (Change)


Full moon 1st November Taurus 1.49am

On the full Moon, is a time to release and let go of any areas in your life that no longer serve your higher purpose, finish off projects, and tidy up, and don’t start anything new on a full moon and over the next 2 weeks.

Taurus (Earth) – Patient, pleasure-loving, material, determined, conservative, practical

This Full Moon in Taurus is the perfect time to be practical about your life and review what is it you need to make your physical body more comfortable.
The vibration of Taurus brings with it determination, focus, and get things done’ energy. Make a gratitude list of all the positive things in your life… even if it doesn’t already exist in your life right now, today is the beginning a new page.

Now make a list of how you can share that ‘abundance’ with others. Just by making the commitment to share joy, hope, opportunity, healthy food, loving relationships and compassion for all. It’s a reminder of the value of going slow and enjoying the good life.

Channel the Taurean energy of this Full moon, to create a practical vision for a new world.

To make the most of this moon, journal:
-What are you stubbornly holding onto?
-How does holding onto that energy/circumstance really make you FEEL?
-What would it FEEL like if you let go of it?’

This Taurean moon energy will transform the alignment with your heart/soul. You have always had the power and the wisdom to negotiate a Divine journey.

Yet you never would have found your strength without all the challenges and struggles that tested your faith along the way. It is important to remember to take time to do nothing and just be; as it often brings everything back into perspective.

Ask to glimpse who you are, so that you can see the radiant You, and give yourself permission to embrace the change.


New moon 15th November Scorpio 4.07pm
The New Moon is a great time to set your intentions, write down goals or begin new projects. It’s perfect for new beginnings, sowing seeds, and launching new projects.

Scorpio (Water) – Passionate, emotional, willpower, psychic, determined, fearlessness

This New moon is a very personal time, a time to go within and view your issues with power.

Do you own your own power?

Do you give your power away to others?

Do you misuse your power to control?

Acknowledging the truth, we have the power to transform and change.

The New moon in Scorpio heralds a time of self-reflection, owning your intuitive senses/gifts for the greater good of all. When you take ownership of how you ‘FEEL’… you are then speaking the language of the Universe and authoring your life’s experiences.

You’ll sense extra depth, desire and intensity as secrets, truth and loyalties are highlighted.

Scorpio energy helps with your inner transformation, where your experience may be hidden from anyone with whom you do not have a deep level of intimacy and trust.

This inner transformation moves in mysterious ways. You may find yourself needing more quiet time and sacred space. It is important to honour the energies that are moving within that may not have words yet.

When you trust and honour this process and open to what can be felt but not yet described, you are investing in the energies of transformation that will help you birth something new.


Full moon Partial lunar eclipse 30th November Gemini 8.29 pm
(this is a Blue moon, 2nd Full Moon in month)

On the full Moon, is a time to release and let go of any areas in your life that no longer serve your higher purpose, finish off projects, and tidy up, and don’t start anything new on a full moon and over the next 2 weeks.

A Lunar Eclipse guides us to transcend negative patterns/old beliefs of the shadow self, and anything that maybe holding you back.
Whatever comes up, the energy of the eclipses asks you to honestly see what needs to be released and then take active steps to release it. It marks a time of major transformation and rebirth.

Gemini (Air) – Communication, witty, nervous, scattered, fun-loving, curious, versatility

This eclipse moon is all about freely expressing yourself, it will be the time to go out and party, network and meet new people… honouring the unity in diversity.

It is a time to express what you feel in secret to those around you, and a time to express yourself creatively through song, poetry or artwork. This moon has a strong communication theme and can help you catch up on emails, paperwork. Be bold but totally right choices can create magic now. Follow your heart.

Here are some tips for optimizing the energetic opportunities of this Gemini Moon.

1. Get curious. Look at issues and problems from new angles.

2. Do some research. Explore potential solutions by doing some research and asking friends or colleagues.

3. Have conversations. Talking through situations as a way of processing will help you get clarity and see things in different ways.

4. Listen. Don’t assume you know. Pay attention and notice what is being shared with you.

5. Journal and brainstorm. Anything goes – write down any outrageous ideas you may have as a way of stimulating creative pathways.

Gemini rules the mind and is inventive, playful, childlike and communicative. Gemini loves to widen your perspective by integrating information. Your thoughts, ideas and how you think about life is going to deepen while you integrate a new heart-centered awareness.


Mercury retrograde 14th October Libra – 3rd November Scorpio
Caution with this retrograde cycle, as we will be determine to be more expressive and bold. Mercury retrograde in Libra can bring enough agitation, and nervousness with special influence on drawing wrong conclusions that we may regret later on. There can be many memories surfacing from the past which can trigger frustration as we didn’t respond the way we wanted. Journaling is essential at this time, so you don’t lash out at others.

Mercury retrograde:
Mercury rules all communications such as computers, phones, travel, electronics and all business/personal communications & documentations. This period is asking us to retrace our thoughts and feelings, and to prioritize what is really important to us. We need to be prepared and mentally alert for whatever comes our way, in order to avoid the pitfalls. Knowing that delays and unexpected outcomes are possible, adopt a calm attitude. As we meet each negative with a positive action, we will begin to create a positive force.

It favours anything that begins with the prefix ―re, re-negotiate, re-vamp, re-new, re-vise, re-issue, re-finance. The word retrograde means ―to go back and retrace one‘s steps. This period favours finishing up work or returning to review and complete a project, not starting something new. It can provide new insights into the material. This is not time to make any major commitments or sign any contracts/papers because you will change your mind.

Pay attention to the details, to minimise delays and misunderstandings. General repairs are not favoured. Never purchase anything associated with transportation or communication – car, bicycle, tape recorder, TV or even shoes. Such purchases will not last long or they will be plagued with malfunctions. The biggest annoyance is the frustration and time involved.

It is a fabulous time to go over conversations that may have happened in the past, where you need some closure or a re-negotiation of some deal or agreement. Remember to also attend to the inner intuitive communication. It’s a great time for journaling and taking time to reflect on recent developments and what is important to you.

During its retrograde cycle three times a year, Mercury says, “let’s look at this part of your life more closely.” What part of it are you still resisting?
Why are you here? – Where are you going? – Who and What means the most to you?


Mars – 9 September Aries – 14 November (Re-evaluate)

Mars retrograde (Re-evaluate)
When Mars goes retrograde vitality is depleted, so that it is never a time to initiate. Mars rules energy, passion, action, initiative and asserting yourself out in the world. “Whoever initiates loses”— a new project, a great love, or an argument. With a new project, it will fizzle out and never really go anywhere. Matters commenced while Mars is retrograde will be frustrated and plagued with disruptions. At this time, people become irritated when activities do not run smoothly. The anger may disrupt indirectly and inappropriately – like getting a traffic ticket when annoyed with your job. During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical, as they will easily break down.

Activities supported are troubleshooting, re-evaluating previously commenced projects, making cuts with ineffective parts of projects, personnel cut-backs and possibly re-hiring individuals who may know how to make the project succeed. Never start anything new! Work with what has been previously commenced and make necessary improvements. Mars Retrograde is similar to Mercury Retrograde in many respects but Mars is associated with action, projects and the energy required to make something succeed. Only when Mars turns direct can they move the energy forward.


Neptune Retrograde  23rd June Pisces – 29th November Pisces (Intuition)

Neptune retrograde (intuition) 

Neptune is the planet of the mysterious, the illusionary, and gain insights from higher states of conscious/awareness/dream state. When Neptune turns retrograde, our feelings are more astute at picking up and perceiving the illusive, focus is on dreams, intuition and all creative pursuits. The illusion is exposed, and it is essential to do something about the perceived problems. Sensory perceptions become more acute, it is important to listen to the “inner voice”.

It can produce psychic overload for sensitives. It is important that you avoid drugs, and stimulants. Protect yourself from addictive personalities, psychic attack, and people who drain your energies. Wearing black tourmaline can funnel off negative energy. As an asset, its excellent for cultivating psychic perceptions.


Chiron retrograde 11 July Aries- 15th December (Healing)

The planet Chiron represents the wounds you carry in yourself through this and other lifetimes especially if you are a healer. During Chiron retrograde, healers can finally heal themselves. It is a unique advantage to heal different parts of your life. Physical health, life’s priorities, questions of the subconscious mind, repressed emotions, and communication work will all take centre stage.

Chiron will address all of these areas of life while focusing on its main goal—to heal the healer. This time helps us to find our voices and use them to transform others. If you are a healer, you may find yourself drained sometimes by overworking yourself and depleting your energy. There is always someone who needs healing, but what about you?

Healers do suffer sometimes from low self-esteem and feeling incomplete. Chiron will have you face these negative feeling and fears to overcome them once and for all. This time period will help you recognize your true self, your potential, your mission, and your gifts as a healer. It will awaken many shamans, energy workers, and healers. It will support us to be more assertive, where we go for what we want, where we draw borders to express our uniqueness.

Chiron in Aries is about the greatest wounds of all – the wound of identity. 

Where do I belong?

Do I even need (or want!) to fit in?

How can I maintain my individuality and be part of a group?

You were born to express the divine in your unique way, to live through your unique gifts, talents, and skills. You are much more than you think. The stars, the whole universe collided so you could be here today. When you allow your true self to shine through, there is no more pain, there is no more wound. You achieve self-realization.


Uranus – 15 August – 1 January 2021 Taurus (Change)

Uranus retrograde (change)
Uranus can spark revolutions, it’s represents humanitarian, freedom loving and unconventional pursuits. Uranus’ retrograde stimulates deep psychological investigation and analysis. It seeks answers that satisfies the mind and explains “Why?” Obviously, this is an excellent time for mental studies that explore human behaviour and psychology. It favours activities that require bursts of inventive and intuitive energy.

When Uranus transits retrograde, it will reawaken freedom urges, what does freedom mean to you, and what needs to change to have freedom, triggers sudden rebelliousness against any ruts or confinement in the life. It’s better to be aware, and process what needs to change, while Uranus is retrograde and actualize the change when it turns direct.



P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

Use the techniques to break through the 5 major barriers, which are keeping you locked in doubt, mistrusting your decisions and leaking energy and money flow. Open the doors to new levels of success, boost aligned support, and magnetize your goals.
— Click Here

2. Join my FB tribe > Passionate Vital Intuitives

Connect with heart-centred therapists, facilitators, and healers, who are growing to new heights of success, doing what they love, while making a difference in the world.
— Click Here 

3.  Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others

If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance

… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.

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4. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!
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