September is a month of new beginning, as we lay down the new pathway ahead, rebirth and express yourself differently, as you master the element of AIR -wind. If you feel called to join the Empowered Intuitive course, to give you tools and strategies to support yourself in creating what…
Powerful month of August, there are 2 eclipses, and Mercury retrograde and the Lions Gate, hang on tight, it’s going to be bumpy ride. Find out how to stay balanced…
Intuition is one of the most fantastic tools at our disposal, yet it is the most suppressed and often least trusted of all senses. In fact according to Carl Jung, intuition is one of the four basic functions of the human brain. Intuition is a unique form of communication we…
We all have the capacity to listen to our intuition, but at times we can be out of alignment and lose our clarity. 8 Signs You’ve Lost Touch with Your Intuition 1. You feel confused often If you struggle to make good decisions and often lack clarity, you’re not tuned…