Jupiter in Gemini – Comparison 💫
Jupiter is the fairy godmother of the cosmos. Today, 4th Feb, it goes direct in Gemini (AIR- mind) until 8th June, bringing exciting, positive change- Hurray!! 💫 Jupiter multiplies the magic in the area of communication and will empower you to speak up in new ways. The key points are:
✦ You might find yourself chattier and more articulate, ready to dive into thought-provoking conversations and make deeper connections.
✦ Your curiosity will be on fire, driving you to learn and see the world from fresh angles.
✦ Socially, it’s prime time for making new friends and enjoying fun gatherings.
✦ Expect a wave of intuitive clarity, and mental focus to help you make sharp decisions, especially if you’ve been feeling a bit foggy lately. Look out for the signs, symbols and synchronicities so you can move forward in the right direction.
✦ You’ll experience a surge of increased confidence to follow through and make steady progress with your goals, with a boost in your optimism, luck, and abundance.
When aligned, it will expand your ability to manifest your hopes, dreams, and blessings, and elevate your wishes based on reality. 💫
Shadow side of Jupiter in Gemini
But when you are in the shadow side of this fortunate cycle, it will expand your addictions, escapist tendencies, racing mind, live in a fantasy and fall into the habit of comparison.
You need to know this as an empath and healer, because you can be subconsciously connected to the collective thoughts of others. When the masses are disconnected, you may be influenced by their energy, and be pulled off course.
This will put you in heavy vibrational alignment and make you feel less than others, constrict the flow of support and pinch off your ability to manifest your goals.
Have you noticed this?
I have seen thousands of clients go through this pattern, and I don’t want to see you repeat this cycle.
The Cycle of Comparison
When you start to compare yourself and doubt if ‘you are enough’, then you become tired and frustrated, and your trust diminishes.
If you are in your head and feeling scattered, your results will be scattered.
You are in contrast with who you are NOW and who you want to BE.
You are carrying a comparison pattern from childhood, looking for love from others, and didn’t receive enough of what you needed, affecting your health and sabotaging your progress.
Childhood patterns have been passed down through the generations and affect how genes are expressed and stored in the DNA, creating illness, fatigue, and nervous system dysfunction.
But you are not stuck with the DNA you were born with and not locked into this genetic programming; you can flip the switch, reconnect the wiring and reset your health back to harmony. Epigenetic changes are reversible.
If you want different results, then it’s time to embrace change.
I don’t want to start without you. It starts TODAY.
Daring to Dream Bigger may be the next step that aligns with your asking and listening to the whispers of your calling.
Join me in the four-week Dare to Dream Bigger course; I designed it with you in mind, where I’ll dive deep into the energetic shifts that will unlock the health, prosperity, opportunities, and freedom destined for you this year.
Sign up today and reserve your seat; let’s embark on this exciting journey together!
P.S. Can’t attend LIVE? That’s Okay.
You will be held during the energetic transmission, which will be recorded. The replay will be available.
❤️ Would you like my assistance to flip the gene switch and change your inherited weaknesses through epigenetics, to restore your health to harmony for 2025?
You can go ahead and book your session here.
Art by: Mariangela Parrodi
Live on Purpose, Make a difference! ❤️
P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:
1. #1 International best seller The Mystic Woman’s Compass“To the sensitives, intuitives, deep-feelers, dreamers & healers of our world— this book is for you. Through masterful story, Mariangela has the sacred gift of helping you tap into your reason for being in the world, the deeper calling of your Soul. If you yearn to explore a greater possibility for your life The Mystic Woman’s Compass is a must read. Available directly from me, or from Amazon in paperback, hardback and Kindle versions
2. The 3 Keys To Heal The Hidden Energy Leaks In Your Business
Free guide for healers, intuitives & empaths in business, so you can stop over-giving & finally claim the success you deserve, guilt-free. Break free of the shackles that keep you small, no longer question your intuitive decisions, and be unwavering with your certainty, grounded in your Wisdom, firm in your Strength, and rooted in your Truth.
3. Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others
If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance
… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.
4. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!
-Click Here