Both practicing and witnessing acts of kindness can help reduce blood pressure by producing oxytocin, known as the ‘love hormone.’ Oxytocin causes the release of nitric acid in the blood vessels which effectively expands the blood vessels thus reducing blood pressure. Self-esteem, a better outlook on life (optimism) and a healthy heart are said to be the benefits of kindness. But it doesn’t stop there. Kindness has a positive effect on others that spreads.

Kindness is a powerful energy. It can move mountains; not in a physical sense, but it can remove the barrier people build around that separates them from love. Research has found that the person who helps others, receives more benefits than the person who gets the help. The benefits are mental, physical, and biological. The people who were generous were found to have an increased sharpness of their mental ability, were healthier than before, and produced more endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin – the hormones responsible for health and vitality.

These are good reasons to practice kindness, but there is a better one.  Acts of kindness are responsible for opening the energy of the heart of the giver, the receiver and even the observers. It has a multiplier effect. Even if we don’t witness, hearing of kindness can help us feel gushy inside.  The heart energy heals the body, mind, and spirit.  It is able to create deep and loving connections between total strangers and permeate the space lingering for longs period of time.

Here’s 6 acts of kindness to open your energy to receive:

1. Give money to a charity
It is not your business what they will do with the money. If you have it, give it to them. You don’t wait to be called to do it. You can set the intention that the money goes to food or shelter but release any expectations from it. Remember that nothing comes to us if we don’t deserve.

2. Donate your excess
Open your closet, pantry, and garage and find all the items taking space in your life that could be utilized by someone. Give it to churches, non-profit organizations, food bank. Your “excess” can be someone “enough.”

3. Pay the parking metre or a meal for a total stranger
Donate the change to the charities sponsored by the store where you shop. There is plenty of opportunities to be generous. Be a vessel for kindness and the beneficiary of your generosity will be likely to do it too.

4. Treat yourself
Take yourself out lunch or dinner or get a spa treatment. Don’t wait to reward yourself after doing something nice or accomplishing a big goal. Do it just because. Kindness starts at home.

5. Donate your TIME to a charity cause
Pick a cause, it doesn’t matter which one, just choose one. Select one that means something to you, this way you are likely to continue with your support. Use your resources to make a statement about what you care about it even if you have only $5 to share.

6. Send anonymous thank you card or flowers to a friend
Being grateful for others but showing them, they are appreciated and loved. You may not necessarily sign your name. Let it me a surprise.
These are only suggestions. You can come up with your own acts of kindness. When the energy of your heart is open, there are infinite possibilities for wellness, happiness, and prosperity.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

Use the techniques to break through the 5 major barriers, which are keeping you locked in doubt, mistrusting your decisions and leaking energy and money flow. Open the doors to new levels of success, boost aligned support, and magnetize your goals.
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2. Join my FB tribe > Passionate Vital Intuitives

Connect with heart-centred therapists, facilitators, and healers, who are growing to new heights of success, doing what they love, while making a difference in the world.
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3.  Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others

If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance

… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.

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4. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!
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