Discover the numerology vibration for this month, be guided to receive the best compatible outcome as you focus on aligned flow. By knowing what old patterns to watch out for, it will keep you on track.

February 2021
2+2+0+2+1 = 7

February is a #7 month

#7 Month:
Introverted, Mystic, Self-Awareness & Inner growth, Intuitive Insights, Trust, Learning.

A number 7 month is the opportunity to really self-reflect on yourself as a ‘Soul having a Physical experience’.

Who are you on planet Earth?

Does your life add value to the world?

Do you make a difference?

This is a big month of facing some truths, going within and seeking answers to some of the big questions. It’s about finding out how you can manifest your dreams for not only your highest purpose but for the highest good of all.

The number ‘7’ is the number of the Healer, Mystic or Light worker. The Mystic is the seeker of wisdoms, knowledge and understanding Universal Laws.
You may be guided this month to spend more time by yourself, travel outside of your local area, take up a new course of study, deepen your spirituality and go within.

Take a sabbatical, trust your inner wisdom, regroup, introspection, slow down, recognition, honour, spend time in nature, plan, seek rejuvenation, read books, expect the unexpected, and spend time by yourself.

Shadow: analysing, over-thinking, worrying, doubting, criticizing.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

Use the techniques to break through the 5 major barriers, which are keeping you locked in doubt, mistrusting your decisions and leaking energy and money flow. Open the doors to new levels of success, boost aligned support, and magnetize your goals.
— Click Here

2. Join my FB tribe > Cosmic Catalysts & Creatives

Connect with heart-centred therapists, facilitators, and healers, who are growing to new heights of success, doing what they love, while making a difference in the world.
— Click Here 

3.  Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others

If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance

… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.

–    Click here

4. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!
-Click Here


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