As children we are all born with a ‘sixth sense’ and unless it is encouraged we can suppress it due to fear, and often we can’t see its value, or even the best way to use them. Our gifts can sit on the side lines until there is an inner nudging, that it is time. Sometimes there is a dramatic event that can bring them to surface, this is a psychic awakening. You may begin to know when the phone will ring, know what someone will say before the speak, have a dream that comes true and experience déjà vu, already experienced the situation before.

Here are seven signs that what you’re experiencing is an awakening of your psychic abilities. You may have experienced any or all of these:

1. Tingling sensation or pressure: You may begin to develop this as your psychic abilities ramp up, this is an indication that your third eye and crown chakras are opening. You may sense heat in your palms and fingers, your feet, around your heart, on your forehead around your third eye chakra, or on the top of your head. You may also experience a sensation of moving energy or tingling.

2. Connection with spirit: Your ability to feel or sense the presence of loved ones around, spirit guides or angels is developing. Your hearing may be heightened, see twinkles of light, or “something” out of the corner of your eye.

3. Desire to be away from negativity: You may sense or perceive that you are picking up on the emotions and feeling of others. This is known as being an empath. With this increase in sensitivity, you may feel drained when you are around negative people, the news or when in large crowds. Crowds become overwhelming, distressing and make you feel fuzzy, spacey, off balance, psychically battered and drained. You feel immediately better in nature, or out of cities.

4. Desire to eat healthier foods: When your gifts are developing, your energetic vibration rises to a higher frequency. Craving for fresh fruit and vegetables is normal as they help to keep your energy light.

5. Heightened intuition: You can begin to sense when people speak, that their words don’t match their emotions, inner thoughts or energy. You can’t explain it, but you feel that conflict and find it confusing, but you have no way to prove what you feel. Your sense of déjà vu increases and experience moments of having been somewhere before, reliving a conversation or performing an activity again. Your knowing about people or situations that prove to be correct, even though there is no way you could have consciously known about those things.

6. Desire to learn: Understanding more about metaphysics, healing, meditation, is part of the process of reconnecting with your soul for wisdom. You become suddenly attracted to crystals, healing arts and spiritual tools. You may feel energy in stones, places or people, access impressions or information if you touch a person or an object.

7. Frequent or vivid dreams: Guidance comes through your dreams, as there is more flow and less interference from your logical mind. Your dreams become increasing vivid and seem to contain messages, information and symbols. You remember these dreams and keep thinking about them during the day, trying to work out what they mean.

Inner Psychic Tips

#1 – Meditation
There are many meditation practices all over the world, quieting your mind helps you understand that you are not your thoughts and that thoughts simply exist. By reducing the mind chatter you become receptive to the messages from angels, spirit guides, departed loved ones and the Divine to come through.

Tip #2 – Trust Your Gut
There is a clear guidance that comes through when you follow your gut instinct and that instinctive knowing is conveyed when your soul senses the right path you should take. Listen to the inner source more often to guide you towards success.

Tip #3 – Get Creative
The creative spark that exists within you is your ability to channel guided information. Tapping into your creativity allows you to be in tune with your guides to bring through the inspiration, inventions, art, words and energy to impact the world.

Tip #4 – Take Classes
Take classes to help you connect and develop your abilities, find the right teacher that resonates with you. A good spiritual teacher will be able to help you navigate, better understand and develop your own special gifts and abilities.

Tip #5 – Keep a Journal
Write down any messages, from your guides, nature, music, and dreams, even if they don’t make sense, over time your abilities to interpret the information will develop. Messages from your subconscious will surface helping you to harness more of your psychic abilities.

Tip #6 – Learn About Your Chakras
Chakras are energy centres within your body that can provide you with different ways to access psychic information. Keeping your energy system clear and healthy for your well-being and receptivity to higher level guidance.

Intuitive ability and psychic awakening are a normal part of our soul’s development. Tribal cultures, all recognise and celebrate this path of spiritual awakening and development, and you are not alone on this journey.



P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

Use the techniques to break through the 5 major barriers, which are keeping you locked in doubt, mistrusting your decisions and leaking energy and money flow. Open the doors to new levels of success, boost aligned support, and magnetize your goals.
— Click Here

2. Join my FB tribe > Passionate Vital Intuitives

Connect with heart-centred therapists, facilitators, and healers, who are growing to new heights of success, doing what they love, while making a difference in the world.
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3.  Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others

If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance

… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.

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4. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!
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