Author page: Mariangela Parodi

Jupiter in Gemini- Comparison

Jupiter in Gemini – Comparison 💫 Jupiter is the fairy godmother of the cosmos. Today, 4th Feb, it goes direct in Gemini (AIR- mind) until 8th June, bringing exciting, positive change- Hurray!! 💫 Jupiter multiplies the magic in the area of communication and will empower you to speak up in new…

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Rise of Feminine Shamanism

Rise of Feminine Shamanism 💫 This is an extraordinary year; understanding your spiritual and the rise of feminine shamanism is the KEY. The co-influence of the Aquarius new moon and the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake🐍on January 29th presents a unique cosmic alignment, marking a significant opening for the…

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Solstice Renewal

Solstice Renewal🔥⛩️ As we stand at the threshold of a new cycle, this Solstice and Christmas, I hold you in my heart with deep love and appreciation for your support throughout 2024. In this season of light, my greatest wish is for you and your family to be connected to…

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