Illuminated Path – 30 Days


If you want to resolve the obstacles and challenges you are facing in your relationships, and want to heal, find re-connection with yourself, others and groups. If you are feeling unsettled, overwhelmed or living in your head, with the monkey chatter constantly on, then you may be taking on too many responsibilities and over-giving in your relationships.

You long to find space and calm with family, friends, communities and other relationship commitments. If you weren’t as rushed, you’d be able to tap into what truly wants to be expressed from you, more empowerment, more freedom to live from your true brilliance.

Then you are being called to activate the inspired healer within, and more of your other precious spiritual gifts, so that you know when to give and how to receive at a whole new level.

By understanding your part, some of the unhelpful patterns will rise to the forefront, so that you can bring acceptance to how you may be subconsciously contributing to the situations, which will help you to uphold a greater commitment to yourself, others and the world around you.

Work with the ancient Egyptian spiritual allies, the Ankh, Isis, Anubis, Sirius and Thoth, to create a sense of equilibrium, stability, connection and peace in your life. Each Egyptian ‘god’ and ‘goddess’ archetypes bring a treasure trove of different medicines, with specific wisdom and improve your life, your relationships, health, abundance and ease.

Enter the temple and you'll be supported daily over 30 days in a private community.

  • Amplify healing and intuitive potential to magnetize your desire
  • Stimulate sacred healing power and intuitive ability
  • Magnetise aligned soul desires
  • Move from limitation to power house

In this 30 - day course you'll learn how to:

  • Unlock Egyptian master frequencies
  • Activate Atlantean healing grid codes
  • Awaken your soul code with multi- dimensional sacred geometry
  • Reconnect to advanced levels of spiritual communication
  • Magnify higher healing abilities for life, work and business success


  • Stimulate your natural healing ability
  • Awaken your dormant power to channel in higher sacred frequencies
  • Clearings designed to remove blocks to higher spiritual communication
  • Advanced healing of the light-energetic body
  • Development of greater alignment and Divine communication
  • Connect with Egyptian and Atlantean guides receiving higher level intuition
  • Create crystal grids to amplify and your aligned soul’s desires
  • Lift the veil to multi-level healing dimensions


4 x 1hr training calls, transmission, attunements, tools   


Meditations, release processes                                         




Illuminated Path guidebook                                                 




Motivation power actions & daily live support                 


Live group call at the end of month                                   


Total value                                  $1500

Your investment    $197