February in NUMEROLOGY is a number 4 month.
February = 2+ 2018 = 13 = 1+3 = 4

Responsibility, Hard Work, Organization, Planning, Take Care of Details, Concentration.

A number 4 month is your time to make good on all your commitments from last month and take responsibility by walking your talk.

It is an opportunity to reflect on your patterns and how these maybe molded from old beliefs, opinions of others or possibly even playing out stories of past lives.  This is a month of ‘growing up’, being prepared to break the cycles of old and all that is not working and make fresh decisions from a place of higher purpose and highest soul potential.

This is a ‘roll your sleeves up’ type of month and getting down to work… how committed are you really to your goals?

Very busy, use logic, manifest ideas step-by-step, security, home, perseverance, focus, commitment, accomplish your goals, lay a foundation as a preparation for the next cycle.

It is a wonderful opportunity to bring your life into balance, implement your ideas in a real, dynamic way, to “empowering transformation. Your inner innovator and creator fills you with brilliant ideas.

Guard against: working too hard, not relaxing, escaping responsibilities.