Jupiter in Capricorn 3rd December 2019 to 18 December 2020
Full moon 12 December Gemini 4.12pm
Solstice 22nd December Capricorn
New moon Solar eclipse 26th December Capricorn 4.13pm


With Jupiter now entering Capricorn on the 3 December 2019 to 18 December 2020, the energy is shifting into material security, improved wealth, status and a quest to organise the step-by-step plan, and put in the work to achieve your desired goals. Jupiter in Capricorn is opportunistic, perhaps revealing to us areas where we might turn a profit, turn around, and repurpose. During this Jupiter in Capricorn cycle, we particularly value integrity, common sense, practicality, patience, reflection, wisdom, precision, discretion, restraint, reliability, self-control, and self-reliance.

Capricorn is an Earth sign, and very much linked to our physical and material life and the structures and organisation that are needed to ensure material well-being. Its symbol is the Goat and if you think of the hardy mountain goat who, through its careful surefootedness, steadily makes its way to the top of the mountain, despite how craggy and difficult the going might be.

Capricorn is an ambitious sign, wanting to get to the top, and achieves this by being cautious, practical and organised and by having the perseverance to see things through however difficult the going gets. Capricorn also represents the ‘Father’ the one who provides for, rules and protects his family, or as a collective ‘The Elders’ – the older, wise ones, who because of the maturity and wisdom they have gained through experience, decide, structure and govern their communities.

Jupiter is the Planet of Expansion, Improvement and Opportunity, so this is a time to expand horizons in earthly, material matters, and to go beyond what is already familiar and invest in something important for the future. Jupiter is also the planet of good luck and good fortune so opportunities should come our way that allow us to expand and improve ourselves and to find greater fulfillment.

This is a time to ground what is key for the future, perhaps to increase resources, to get a better career, gain promotion and greater status or take off on some new business venture.

It may involve learning a new skill or a better system or exploring new procedures and structures to improve the way things are run. We may want to gain assets or a new source of income to improve our position in society. We may take on a new responsibility or make a major investment in something important and solid that provides a better grounding in life. This is a time to reap the rewards of past hard work, so success should come from anything you have been working hard towards. It is a time that will benefit those who are mature, however old, those who have learned from experience and have used this wisdom to improve life. And an increase in wealth, status and respect for those who have truly earned it.

We can benefit during this time by cultivating and using Capricorn’s skills and qualities, such as perseverance, reliability, practicality, level-headedness, common-sense, logic and careful calculation. And we can achieve our ambitions by developing self-discipline and responsibility and the ability to organise and structure our lives, to open to new experiences and to explore other ways to gain in the material and physical world.

We may experience situations that give us the opportunity to look at where we have been lazy or undisciplined or have neglected our duties or have been wasteful. So watch out for any such opportunities, though they may come in the form of challenges, as they are there to prompt us to cultivate ‘the Elder’ within ourselves, to make us more aware so that we can develop new, wiser ways to organise ourselves in order to increase and improve material well-being, for ourselves and others.

Consider the rules we use in our everyday lives, how we structure our day, week or year, what we think we should and shouldn’t do; how we raise our kids, care for our family, manage our finances, operate at work, do the housekeeping etc. We all have a system, our personal rules which may come into question in order to be improved during this time.

If you can remember what was happening in your life the last times Jupiter transited Capricorn: 18 Dec 2007 – 5 Jan 2009, 4 Jan 1996 – 21 Jan 1997 and 20 Jan 1984 – 6 Feb 1985, you may see a pattern.

How were your horizons broadened during those periods?
What kind of new expansion and learning became important for your future?
Though this time you should have greater wisdom and confidence to make the most of it!


Full moon 12 December Gemini 4.12pm

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Gemini (Air) – Fickle, witty, nervous, scattered, fun-loving, curious, versatility

This Full moon is all about freely expressing yourself, it will be the time to go out and party, network and meet new people… honouring the unity in diversity.

It is a time to express what you feel in secret to those around you, and a time to express yourself creatively through song, poetry or artwork. This moon has a strong communication theme and can help you catch up on emails, paperwork. Be bold but totally right choices can create magic now. Follow your heart.

Here are some tips for optimizing the energetic opportunities of this Gemini FULL Moon.

1. Get curious. Look at issues and problems from new angles.

2. Do some research. Explore potential solutions by doing some research and asking friends or colleagues.

3. Have conversations. Talking through situations as a way of processing will help you get clarity and see things in different ways.

4. Listen. Don’t assume you know. Pay attention and notice what is being shared with you.

5. Journal and brainstorm. Anything goes – write down any outrageous ideas you may have as a way of stimulating creative pathways.

Gemini rules the mind and is inventive, playful, childlike and communicative. Gemini loves to widen your perspective by integrating information. Your thoughts, ideas and how you think about life is going to deepen while you integrate a new heart-centered awareness.


Solstice 22nd December Capricorn

As we make the journey from the Summer Solstice in the Southern hemisphere (shortest night), and in the Northern hemisphere, Winter Solstice (longest night). It is a time to gain strength and energised from within and get ready to embark on the new.

Wherever you are on Earth, the Summer/Winter Solstice represents an opportunity to celebrate your LIGHT. As we move into the threshold of a new cycle, it is a time to come together with all humanity through the LOVE of our LIGHT and send a wave of unifying peace through to each other and the planet.
The Masculine energy of the Sun is joined and amplified by the Feminine energy of the Moon, bringing in new frequencies of Light for Connection, Love, Creation & Healing.

The following simple steps can be a guide for making the most of this Solstice gateway. As you work with them, do so with new eyes and be willing to change your mind about specifics. This gateway gives you the opportunity to revamp even current projects. Keep an open mind.

Consider lighting a candle and honouring the LIGHT of joy, blissful abundance, compassion, peace & kindness. Take a moment to BREATHE and unify the Solstice Polarity within your HEART. As we then move into the threshold of a new cycle, sending a wave of unifying peace as we step into a new year ‘#Universal 4’ cycle in 2020.

First step, contemplate the direction of your life, visualizing what it looks like and how it feels in your heart. Create a sentence or two describing your life direction.

Second step consider what needs to shift internally and/or in outer world circumstances. This part relates to inner qualities, belief systems, and situations with others.

Third step consider what is missing from your life. Knowing the answer to this question can be more important than what you discovered in the first three steps.


New moon Solar eclipse 26th December Capricorn 4.13pm

A Solar Eclipse ‘obscures’ our vision forward, reflect on the present, truthfully see how this relates to our past & re-evaluate steps to take in moving forward. During eclipse is not a favourable time to start a new beginning, avoid starting a business, getting married, applying for a promotion, or an event. But if you are thinking about going on a retreat, starting a therapy, ending a relationship, quitting a job, cleaning house then an eclipse can be a good.

Whatever comes up, the energy of the eclipses first demands that you honestly see what needs to be released and then take active steps to release it. It marks a time of major transformation and rebirth.

Capricorn (Earth) – Practical, realist, reliable, hard worker, cautious, committed

This NEW moon in Capricorn has a strong will, tenacious nature and ‘can do’ attitude! On a personal level is very much about us taking full responsibility for ourselves, our lives and our actions.

It’s time to take your visions and making them practical… make a plan, set the goals, put your head down and do the work, and make it real! Highlights business and professional ambitions. Focus on your plans into the future, so it’s a great time to review your long-term plans.

It brings a fresh energy into all social situations and helps to move you in the right direction. You can’t go back to the old ways, it’s time to move onto the next level.

Whilst Capricorn is hardworking and gets things done, it can get us caught up too much in process and bring rigidity to our lives.

This Moon is about breaking down the rules, regulations and outmoded ways of being, so expect a very emotional/passionate/soul searching time, with the energy and dedication to follow through.

When you feel on purpose, you let the energy of resistance move through and out, and you bring in more of the feelings you want to have.

And the ability to bring in positive feelings through your intention helps you experience more synchronicities – or “meaningful coincidences” – that lead you to manifest the more outer world realities that are aligned with the positive feelings.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

Use the techniques to break through the 5 major barriers, which are keeping you locked in doubt, mistrusting your decisions and leaking energy and money flow. Open the doors to new levels of success, boost aligned support, and magnetize your goals.
— Click Here

2. Join my FB tribe > Passionate Vital Intuitives

Connect with heart-centred therapists, facilitators, and healers, who are growing to new heights of success, doing what they love, while making a difference in the world.
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3.  Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others

If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance

… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.

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4. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!
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