Epigenetics is the science of changing your genes, not just through nutritional and herbal medicine but also by how you think.

When you are stressed or think negatively, there are higher stress hormones in the body which creates inflammation. The mind has a big influence on the body.

Research has found that after a 3-month intensive meditation retreat… Cellular ageing was one-third lower in the participants who had completed the retreat than in a control group – the ones that didn’t.

If your emotions are based on ‘false projections’ or fear-based belief’s they are harmful to longevity. Meditation can increase awareness of present moment, which leads to positive mental states. Increasing positive mental states, decreases stress which slows the rate of cellular aging.

Perceived life stress — primarily an inability to cope with demands of life and feeling a lack of control, increases stress hormones, and is related to increased ageing. A negative mood is related to increased inflammation, increases oxidation and damages the cells, making them more prone to ageing.

Meditative practices decrease stress, improves the positive mental states, and protects the cells against ageing.

Here are a few tips

Tip 1: Update your beliefs. Your beliefs are far stronger than your genes.

What are your beliefs about getting older?

Do they include the belief that at a certain age, good things stop and bad things begin?

For example, do you believe that After 40 it’s all downhill?

Your negative beliefs can adversely affect your biology and play a huge role in your health.

Tip 2: Stop trash talking about age. And stop blaming your health problems on your age.

Your body believes every word you say. Pay attention and notice your language about age. And step out of any negative patterns.

Tip 3: Resolve to get younger. There is a huge difference between biologic (the age of your cells) and actual age.

By implementing lifestyle improvements, you can quite literally reverse the clock and grow biologically younger.

Tip 4: You are unique, and it’s important to acknowledge and embrace the special qualities that make you the person that you are.

Think about taking more responsibility for your own body and feeling fulfilled in your life. Take a look to see whether you are meeting your full potential.



P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:


1.    Grab my FREE ‘Inner GPS & Abundance” process

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2. Join my FB tribe > Passionate Vital Intuitives

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