Let your daring side emerge

Life is waking you up to new opportunities, which is so exciting, but become aware of any resistance holding you back.

You are being called to step higher and wider, but are you judging and doubting that perhaps you are not enough?

As your life is changing now, you are being asked to stretch into a new comfort zone.

What are you tolerating and accepting that no longer feels right, you may be triggered, because it no longer feels aligned anymore?

Where have you been made to feel guilt and shame for your wants and desires?

Where have you been pushed into a lesser version, robbing you of your ability to fully take up space and claim your voice?

This conditioning has been passed down through the generations, to conform and contort you into a smaller version of YOU.

The Full moon Aries (fire), 10th October 7:54 am, amplifies your courageous instinct, adventure and urge to break free from the old conditioning.

Use the energies of this FIRE moon so that you don’t let others define you, as you blaze your own trail and find a unique way to adapt to challenging circumstances.

This Full moon is all about action and initiation, you’ll be pushed along into passionate action from this point onwards.

It is a perfect time to go deep within your heart, so that you can shed the superficial story of separation, anger & fear.

Allow your daring side to come out and do something today that you have never done before… create the magic that resides within your heart.

Make a commitment to live your own life and not live the life of the wishes and dreams of another – be it loved ones, family, or your community.

Watch out for the shadow of Aries:  Impulsive, impatient, selfish, argumentative, complaining, and gossiping.

It can be an especially heated time as emotions erupt, and be careful you don’t burn bridges or be quick to anger as a response to stress.

You can’t ignore the call anymore, as life is supporting you, so let go of the worries that pull you back into the past fear.

Listen to the inner, higher presence that guides you to your next aligned step.

The call is supporting you to learn, grow and evolve moving you out of the old identity.

The call is asking you to go deep into the next phase of contentment, freedom and passion.

❤️ What are you being asked to do?

❤️ If you trusted you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

Let me take your hand, to discover your daring self willing to break free of the old mould.

I’ll guide you through restoring what has been lying dormant.

Change the outcome for the rest of 2022, and find your wisdom, vitality and empowerment that lifts your heart ❤️

Harness this powerful time in a way that grows you.

Live on Purpose, change the World!  ❤️


What do you want to transcend, and are ready to change now? Let’s talk here?


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:

1.    Take the short fun Quiz: Discover how to manage your stress in 2 mins. 

Discover your stress language. Did you know that your stress language determines how you transcend stress? When you know your language, you can better handle challenges, get back on track with your clarity and intuition, and restore your vitality, so that you can live a tension-free life. Gain access to this fun 2 min quiz

— Click Here 

2. The 3 Keys To Heal The Hidden Energy Leaks In Your Business

Free guide for healers, intuitives & empaths in business, so you can stop over-giving & finally claim the success you deserve, guilt-free. Break free of the shackles that keep you small, no longer question your intuitive decisions, and be unwavering with your certainty, grounded in your Wisdom, firm in your Strength, and rooted in your Truth.

— Click Here


3.  Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others

If you’d like to work with me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connecting deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance

… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.

–    Click here

4. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together. We’ll get you all the details!
-Click Here


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