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The 3-day Gut Detox

A detox is a re-connection to whole foods, and should leave you feeling energized, refreshed, and glowing. Our body neutralizes and eliminates toxins every day, however, sometimes we loose track and eat foods that aren’t exactly good for us, we eat sugar, junk food and refined carbs, and our body…

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Mystic Insights October 2020

This is a time of transitions, with insights guiding you in the right direction. Set your intention to receive the clarity so that your heart can take the lead. Relationships and connections are being transformed, shift any frustration and your nervous system using the Phoenix to help leave the drama…

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Connections & Prosperity

Tap into your next level powerhouse of connections, inspiration & prosperity. Everything that is no longer viable, all that is not contributing to your vitality, you are being encouraged to let it go. This is a time when negative patterns are falling away, those of struggle, and striving, and being…

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7 Keys to Awaken your Third Eye

The pineal gland is known as the third eye and is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, and located at the centre of the brain which supports health and wellbeing. The pineal gland produces and secretes melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone responsible for regulating the body’s biorhythms, our sleep-wake…

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6 Ways to Reduce your Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are a normal response to the stressors of life, but if it persists tiredness, poor concentration, disturb sleep and appetite are common. People who have gone through adverse life events (unemployment, bereavement, psychological trauma) are more likely to develop ongoing symptoms. Depression is a major health problem…

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September Mystic Insights

Create a strong foundation from successful experiences and draw on your resilience from the past, to find your balance. Unite your emotional watery flow with structured fiery action, to align to your new equilibrium. We have an opportunity to reinforce our boundaries, as others can bring frustrations, so call in…

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