Phoenix Solar Eclipse
We have one of this year’s most powerful cosmic events, the Aires Super total Solar Eclipse. On 9th April, 2:20 am, AEST, the ring of fire the Phoenix sacred gateway, will help you clear the past, experience deep change, positively reassess where you have been, and use this knowledge to make quantum leaps on your path moving forward, step beyond your perceived limitations, and open the doors for expansion, creativity, manifestation, and opportunities.
The Ring of Fire will illuminate where you are called to wrap up a cycle, cut back on something, especially in relationships, release patterns of co-dependency, avoidance, people-pleasing, not speaking your truth, having vague boundaries, and generally leaking your power.
You have felt heavy, carrying the weight of all the past – this life and other incarnations. Understand that you have taken on your ancestral and family’s patterns and issues and the inherited voices of doubt, judgement, alienation, scarcity, and fear. These voices invade your thoughts and are hardwired into your mind through the fight-flight response.
As a result, you may have slipped into living a life of:
Limiting beliefs…
Negative self-talk…
Unproductive habits…
Now is the perfect time to break free from your family’s shackles, and step into a new level of freedom. This eclipse is activating something new, and the Phoenix empowerment phase will continue to shift until February 2025.
There are parts of you that you have separated from and rejected, that you have judged as weaknesses. The part that has been hurt has resulted in inflammation in the body and affected your health. As you retrieve the lost part, you can restore your well-being, access new gifts and boost your ability to magnetise abundance.
I totally understand the fear of letting go of the past can be comfortable, but so much more awaits you when you do.
Step into the quirky, unique version of you—this is your SUPER powerand it will help you to release the imprinting from your family. You CAN rewrite your old stories to transform your relationship with yourself, your body, and others.
Choose to transition into something better, dare to dream bigger than before so that the new happier life can be revealed.
There will be a lightbulb moment when you’ll gain clarity around your dreams and heartfelt desires and take the aligned action. In the next six months, brace yourself for unexpected and profound intuitive guidance that will redirect your path. You’ll be squeezed into a situation that will direct you in the right meaningful direction.
Imagine you are standing at a doorway with the golden key.
It’s YOUR time to walk through the doorway.
The door will open for the life you were designed for:
A life of “Plenty”
Like the Phoenix what is rising for you?
You can sense the undercurrent and the push towards something different, to resurrect and regenerate, as you follow the path that sparks your inspiration and joy.
Remember, you are incredibly powerful, so declare that you are ready for MORE joy, growth, support, abundance and happiness.
With your upgrade, affirm:
“I will no longer apologise for who I am.”
Are you ready for the new cycle, with your increase in value and worth, and to embrace your magnetic abilities?
Let me help you move beyond your limits and close the chapter you have outgrown so you can break free and trust that YOU can make it happen.
You can do this by:
The Goddess Isis activation: Healing relationships to reunite that part that has not been claimed.
Goddess Isis: Healing Relationships
If you’d like to go deeper to clear a particular relationship pattern, open your heart, let it blossom and restore joy, connection and trust.
Let me take your hand, You can book your session here.
May the eclipse odds be in your favour
Live on Purpose, change the World!
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you evolve and transform:
1. #1 International best seller The Mystic Woman’s Compass“To the sensitives, intuitives, deep-feelers, dreamers & healers of our world— this book is for you. Through masterful story, Mariangela has the sacred gift of helping you tap into your reason for being in the world, the deeper calling of your Soul. If you yearn to explore a greater possibility for your life The Mystic Woman’s Compass is a must read. Available directly from me, or from Amazon in paperback, hardback and Kindle versions
2. The 3 Keys To Heal The Hidden Energy Leaks In Your Business
Free guide for healers, intuitives & empaths in business, so you can stop over-giving & finally claim the success you deserve, guilt-free. Break free of the shackles that keep you small, no longer question your intuitive decisions, and be unwavering with your certainty, grounded in your Wisdom, firm in your Strength, and rooted in your Truth.
3. Join a healing course to amplify your ability to make a difference in your life and the lives of others
If you’d like to work to me, to upgrade your healing potential by accessing ancestral wisdom, ignite your soul’s calling, connect deeply to the multi-dimensional spirit realms, and aligning the inner and outer world, to stand in the fullness of your Brilliance
… just reply to this message and put “I’m Ready” in the subject line.
4. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me, to help your practice ascend to higher levels of influence and take a stand as a leader of your community… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details!
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