
Numerology October 2018

October 2018 = 10+ 2018 = 1+0+2+0+1+8 = 3 MONTH 3: Fun, Joy, Celebrating Wins, Creative Self Expression, Social, Pleasure, Connections. As the saying goes ‘all good things come in 3′s’… # 3 month will begin to see some ‘wins’ in your life as all that envisioning, and the choices…

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5 Tips to Shift Sabotaging Habits

Why is it so difficult to break our bad habits? This is especially frustrating when it comes to the habits that stand in the way of accomplishing our dreams. The best of intentions seem to be defeated on a regular basis, but we can change these patterns. Nearly everyone has…

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Vitamin D & Weight Loss

What is vitamin D? We can obtain Vitamin D, from the sun via our skin. This molecule is important for its role in enhancing the small intestine’s ability to absorb calcium from our food, which is vital for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It also plays a role in keeping…

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Magical Prosperity

Move through the old constraints and expand into greater abundance for June, including clearer communication and the solstice. Find out how to tap into prosperity… P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your holistic therapy business:   1.    Grab my FREE ‘Ramp Up Business…

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The Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen foods

With the focus in the media about the safety of frozen fruits and berries.  It’s not just contamination from water sources, but also pesticides which do affect certain fruit and vegetables more than others. Most of us know that going organic is better for the environment and good for our…

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Retrain your brain: Reverse the clock

Epigenetics is the science of changing your genes, not just through nutritional and herbal medicine but also by how you think. When you are stressed or think negatively, there are higher stress hormones in the body which creates inflammation. The mind has a big influence on the body. Research has…

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